About Us
Redefining Confidence
GeoCoFit targets certain Unique Design Proposition that caters to gap between the way you want to look and feel. And immerse it with the expected performance and results you want while working out, being at home or casual outing.
Between wide range of good looking clothes GeoCoFit has decided to make a range that is more than good looking.
It is a group of Athletic Engineers who came together to design Geometrically Correct Fit (GeoCoFit).
GeoCoFit has many projects lined up in near future.
Stay Tuned.
About Us
Redefining Confidence
GeoCoFit targets certain Unique Design Proposition that caters to gap between the way you want to look and feel. And immerse it with the expected performance and results you want while working out, being at home or casual outing.
Between wide range of good looking clothes GeoCoFit has decided to make a range that is more than good looking.
It is a group of Athletic Engineers who came together to design Geometrically Correct Fit (GeoCoFit).
GeoCoFit has many projects lined up in near future.
Stay Tuned.